Spirometry is a simple test to measure the function of the lungs. A spirometry test is used for diagnosis and monitoring of lung diseases.

Spirometry is becoming increasingly important since the prevalence of respiratory diseases is on the rise. It is the methof of choice for an early screening of asthma and COPD, two very common lung diseases that often go unnoticed for years.
Spirometry measures the amount of air that a person can breathe in and out, and the speed at which this happens. It therefore not only measures the size of the lungs, but also the function of the lung tissue. The test is often performed in pulmonology and occupational medicine, but can also be perfectly performed at the general practitioner.
Spirometry is an invaluable tool for diagnosing and monitoring lung diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and bronchitis. In these conditions, the airways become inflamed and narrowed, leading to difficulty breathing and decreased lung function. By measuring lung function with spirometry, doctors can determine the severity of these conditions and develop appropriate treatment plans. In addition to the stethoscope, the spirometer is also the doctor's tool of choice for other lung diseases.
Spirometry is also commonly used in occupational medicine to monitor workers at risk of developing respiratory disease from exposure to airborne pollutants or irritants. For example, miners, construction workers and firefighters can be exposed to dust, fumes or smoke that can damage their lungs over time. Regular spirometry tests can detect any changes in lung function early and prevent further damage.
Early detection of lung problems through spirometry testing can lead to better outcomes and management of these conditions. With proper treatment and monitoring, patients can often slow or even stop the progression of lung disease, improving their quality of life and reducing the risk of respiratory failure and other complications.
Considering the importance of respiratory diseases on public healthcare and the economy, it is clear that spirometry deserves a lot more attention as it is a simple and inexpensive test.
On this website we try to provide you with correct information about spirometry and the importance of spirometry in the diagnosis and follow-up of respiratory diseases.
- Indications
Indications for spirometry include assessment of lung function, disability, severity of lung disease and effect of environmental or occupational exposure. - Peak Flow
Measurement of Peak Expiratory Flow or peak flow is often used for the diagnosis and follow-up of astma. It is a very simple and cheap test. - Predicted Values
Predicted values in spirometry are used to assess the results of the flow-volume loop. Spirometric values are compared to averages of healthy subjects. - Spirometry FAQ
Spirometry is an easy medical test to assess the function of the lungs. It can be performed by physicians and is used to detect and follow-up lung diseases.